all images copyright Ian Brown Photography.

Friday, May 24, 2013

today's office

Been doing some ad work and some rebranding projects over the last few weeks, a few with the great people over at CUBICLE FUGITIVE ; always entertaining. Anyhow, this was the view outside our location today. Our little city growing up...and up.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

New strands of light

I was privileged to be included in the CONTACT portfolio reviews this past weekend and had some great meetings with some really interesting and cool folks; from around the world. It's always nice to get some good feedback and have people point the compass in the right direction. Lots of other good work seen and exhibited too. It's inspiring to know photography is still important and doing great things.

Duncan - on instagram

Duncan's new gallery is up. April 2013..all instagram this month. Still not sure about this. Passing fad (likely) or the start of the new wave of photography? Gimmicks are never sustainable but they do sometimes allow for the envelope to be moved..not necessarily pushed..but moved.